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giving and sharing
In line with our vision and mission, we encourage the Spicer community to support outreach programs and the ongoing worshipping life of the church.

Financial contribution
Serving the community
Serving the church
Financial contribution
Financial contributions can be made a number of ways, so find the one which works best for you.
Direct deposit:
Account Name: Spicer Uniting Church
BSB: 065004
Acc Number: 10145174
Cash offerings are collected during our regular worship services
Many of our community choose regular giving through Uniting Church Regular Electronic Giving (REG). Contact the church office for details.
Spicer Uniting Church also accepts bequests, so you may like to remember us in your will. Bequests are often used for specific mission projects and leave a lasting legacy.
Your money will help support the ongoing work of Spicer Uniting Church as a Christian worshipping community in our local neighbourhood. There are activities here every week that help people of all ages explore their faith, connect with God and each other and to respond as God calls us. You will also be supporting our Pastoral Care network and financially contribute to the Pastoral Care Workers at East Adelaide School, Trinity Gardens Primary School and East Marden Primary School. In a wider sense, your contribution will support the Uniting Church's strong welfare presence throughout Australia through UnitingCare, and in many parts of the world through UnitingWorld, providing healthcare and education in developing countries.
Spicer church has a strong connection to the work of the Adelaide Day Centre for Homeless Persons, and donations are collected such as non-perishable food, toiletries, warm clothes and blankets. The Giving Basket is blessed alongside financial offerings each Sunday, and the office will also accept donations during the week.
During the colder months a fabulous group of volunteers get together to cook up a storm - soup which is distributed by the Day Centre to those in need. Is this something you would like to do too?
Presenting Easter and Christmas stories at the local Primary Schools in creative and relevant ways is a privilege Spicer values. Volunteers undergo the appropriate training and checks to be part of this ministry.
You can also read about our amazing Easter Sights and Sounds performances held biennially, and the annual Carols in the Amphitheatre HERE
On the 3rd Thursday each month Spicer hosts a welcoming community lunch. Bring your own lunch along from 12 noon and be entertained. An ideal opportunity to invite friends and neighbours. Look for details in the Weekly Newsletter, or contact the church office.
Making sure everyone feels connected is important to us. From the chats after worship over morning tea to the biggest celebratory events, we encourage you to be involved. Volunteer roles abound and draw upon a wide range of skills and talents. Some lead to involvement in worship services, others are more behind the scenes. The various events throughout the year are successful because of the efforts put in by the Spicer community. Here are some examples:
Bible reading
Tech support (various!)
Children's' ministry
Facebook/ Instagram
Morning tea helper
Barista for Coffee Cart
Flower arranging
Pastoral care
Prayer support
Calls to be involved in special events are communicated through the Weekly Newsletter. Contact the office if you have any questions.

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