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regular activities


Escape the house from just $2 a week (plus $1 for each additional child), each school term Tuesday at 10am.

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Play group co-ordinator
Margaret spent her working life with kids as a school teacher. She has a heart and passion for children, and we're lucky to have her looking after our play group and children's programs

margaret just

youth activities

Our young people meet a number of times per term, as well as once during school holidays for fun, friendship and sharing about living God's way in a busy world.  The Spicer Uniting Church youth team join with Broadview Uniting Church youth, Brougham Place Uniting Church and sometimes with other leaders and young people from Wimela Presbytery.

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matthew heath

Youth communcations
Matthew is your port of call for information and questions about Youth at Spicer. This energetic and enthusiastic team includes Kerry Wilson, Sonia Wilson and Jeremy Simenco. Contact the Spicer church office to be in touch with them.
Youth Activities
Watch this space for more term 1 activities
Just COS

just cos

Crafters of Spicer

Meet our talented craft group, polish up your crafting skills and even have some lessons and learn a thing or two, in a relaxed, friendly environment. Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from February to November, from 10am - 2pm.  COVID-safety is well in hand here. 


Just bring a gold coin donation, and please note that this is a perfume free event, thanks!


Come when you can, leave when you must!

Making Paper Craft Art

anne wilson

 Just COS Coordinator

Anne loves all things craft. She is a seasoned craft artist who especially enjoys card making and embroidery. 



Eat pray care

Eat Pray Care (or EPC as we call it) meets on the second Saturday of each month at Spicer Uniting Church, at local venues or private homes for breakfast and fellowship at 9.30- 11.30am. Our purpose is to share in prayer for our church family, and identify ways to offer spiritual and practical support for the Spicer community.

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