sEPTEMBER 18th 2021
3pm - 7pm

An afternoon of sharing with Spicer friends and the wider community; being creative, trying something new and seeing what others are passionate about.
Watch this space for information about purchasing tickets,or contact the church office
(08) 8362 3771
$10 Adults / $5 CHildrenC
Cost includes light meal of soup, pizza and sour-dough bread at 5.45 - 7pm as well as all activities
Rock Orchestra and Choir
Bring along your own instrument or come to sing in the pop-up choir. "All you need is love" never sounded so good!
Workshop begins at 4.00pm
Performance at 5.30 - 6.00pm

Come and try this engaging craft with the clever artists in our community

Card- making
Makers Market

Browse stalls which showcase some of the talents in the local community. Make a difference by spending at the RSPCA fundraising cake stall. Support local hobbyists and start-ups.
From 3.00pm in the Hall
Barista training
3.30- 4.30pm or 4.30-5.30pm
Cate Bond will take two groups of up to five potential baristas through the basics on the Spicer Coffee Cart.

"Make and do" treasures from trash
For the young and young at heart! Graham Lloyd will be there to help you unlock your creative talents, tools at the ready. Suitable for those 6 years and over.

Fireside chats
Marshmallows anyone? You are most welcome to sit and get to know some new friends around the firepit.
Childrens Play Space
Somewhere safe and supervised with great resources to keep the youngest ones happily busy. Time for a hot coffee perhaps? Or browse the stalls in peace!

Board Games

Fun for all ages with a range of board games running all afternoon.
Be productive by joining Marilyn to make beanies for those in need. Learn a new skill or continue where someone left off in a progressive project?

Charity Knitter's Corner